Irene, 13, discovers that her father has a second family and another daughter of her own age, also named Irene. Without telling anyone, she risks everything to meet the girl and ends up discovering an Irene completely different from her.
Priscila Bittencourt, Isabela Torres, Marco Ricca, Susana Ribeiro, Inês Peixoto, Teuda Bara, Maju Souza, Ana Reston
- Screenplay: Fabio Meira
- Editing: Virginia Flores
- Cinematography: Daniela Cajías
- Original music: Edson Secco
- Sound: Ruben Valdés
- Production: Fabio Meira and Diana Almeida
- Selected for the Berlin Festival 2017
- Selected for the Uruguayan International Film Festival 2017
- Selected for the Seattle Festival 2017
- Selected for the Festival of Quito 2017
- Selected for the Festival of Lima 2017
- Selected for the Park Film Fest Trencianske Teplice 2017
- Best Film Award and Best Cinematography at the Guadalajara International Film Festival 2017