There are desires that neither imprisonment nor torture can suppress: freedom and justice. There are concepts that keep us whole even in extreme situations of pain and humiliation: friendship and solidarity. The film features unpublished testimonies from former-President Dilma Rousseff and her cell mates from Tiradentes Prison, in São Paulo, in a group memory exercise carried out by women who believe that resistance is still the only way to remain free.
- Direction and Screenplay: Susanna Lira
- Production: Nuno Godolphim
- Photography: Gustavo Hadba
- Art Director: Tiago Tambelli, Jorge Bernado
- Editing: Célia Freitas, Paulo Mainhard
- Music: Flavia Tygel
- Competitive track at the 51st edition of the Brasilia Festival of Brazilian Cinema
- Première Brasil: Long Documentaries at the 20th edition of the Rio International Film Festival
- 42nd International Film Festival in São Paulo.
- Special Prize of the official Jury of the Brasília Film Festival
- Best Documentary Prize of the Popular Jury of the Mostra de São Paulo
- Best Documentary Direction Award for the Rio Festival
- Award of the Official Jury for Best Documentary of the Rio International Film Festival
- Award of the Popular Jury for Best documentary of the Rio International Film Festival
- Best Film by the Official Jury of Atlantidoc (Uruguay)