Countless people in various cities around the world make their living as self-employed workers, with no formal job or any kind of social security, driving a parallel economy that currently represents some forty percent of the world's income. "The Wheelers" portrays the daily lives of characters that push, pull, or pedal some kind of vehicle to earn their living in the streets of Latin American cities. The documentary establishes a relationship between the wheel's movement and the inconstancy of life itself, especially for those without stable jobs who need to create and improvise daily in order to survive.
- Written and Directed by: Sérgio Bloch
- Executive Production: João Roni, Christian Marini and Sérgio Bloch
- Direction of photography and camera: Miguel Vassy
- Sound Mixing: Frederico Lobo
- Editing: Célia Freitas, EDT.
- Co-production: Turner, Ocean Films and Abbas Filmes