Juliana is leaving Itaúna, in the country side of Minas Gerais, to live in Contagem, in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte. Her new job, in which she fights endemics in the region, creates unusual situations and introduces her to new people, who begin to change her life. Adjusting to the new routine, she faces difficulties in her relationship with her husband, who also goes to the big city.
Grace Passô, Russo Apr, Rejane Faria, Hélio Ricardo, Juliana Abreu, Renato Novaes, Sinara Teles, Jade Souza
- Screenplay and Direction: André Novais Oliveira
- Production: André Novais Oliveira, Gabriel Martins, Maurilio Martins, Thiago Macêdo Correia
- Executive Production: Thiago Macêdo Correia
- Production Coordinator: Marcella Jacques
- Director of Photography: Wilssa Esser
- Art Direction: Diogo Hayashi
- Costume Designer: Rimenna Procópio
- Sound: Tiago Bello, Marcos Lopes
- Editing: Gabriel Martins
- Original Soundtrack: Pedro Santiago
- Production: Plastic Films