The short film tells the story of four black friends living their daily dramas. They decide to go to a waterfall to relax, and during the outing they receive an energy charge that gives them superpowers. Linda is in an abusive and violent relationship with her husband. He humiliates her, devaluing her work as a stylist. Maria is a capoeira teacher. She works for an NGO under a sexist boss who embezzles money from the project. Paula works as a maid and in her spare time, studies to enter college. Her employer, in turn, always discourages her. Claudinha is a fellow at a private university. Always attentive to students rights, she's in constant conflict with the dean's office. With the new powers they get, Linda, Maria, Paula and Claudinha choose to use them and face the challenges each of them have, one by one, becoming heroines in the real world.
Cíntia Rosa, Luana Xavier, Mary Sheyla De Paula, Mariana Alves, Paloma Riane, Marcello Melo, Eduardo Bastos, Luiz Delfino
- Direction and Screenplay: Sabrina Rosa
- Photography: Luis Gomes
- Editing: Bebel Rodriguez
- Sound Mixing and Soundtrack: Alessio Slossel
- Production: Dubeco Produções and Luciano Vidigal
- Black Film Festival Zózimo Bulbul
- EGBÉ Black Cinema Festival of Sergipe