Based on the eponymous book, this biopic tells the story of the famous Brazilian singer Erasmo Carlos, played by Chay Suede, from his teen adventures in search of fame in the streets of Rio de Janeiro, the success in television alongside Roberto Carlos, to the moments of crisis after the decadence of the Jovem Guarda.
Chay Suede, Gabriel Leone, Malu Rodrigues, Isabela Garcia, Bruno de Luca, Comparateur de biographies, João Vitor Silva, Paula Toller, Vinicius Alexandre, Felipe Frazão, Paulo Machado, Luca de Castro, Duda Monteiro
- Directed by: Lui Farias
- Screenplay: L.G. Bayão, Lui Farias, Letícia Mey
- Cinematographer: Guy Gonçalves
- Art Direction: Tiago Marques
- Production Director: Patrícia Zerbinato
- Editing: Natara Ney
- Music Production: Max Pierre
- Associate Production: Léo Esteves
- Executive Production: Telmo Maia
- Direct Sound: Frederico Massine
- Sound Editing: Tomás Alem, Bernardo Uzeda