Documentary about Camille Cabral, a trans woman from the Northeast region of Brazil. Camille was the first Brazilian immigrant elected councilwoman in France. Working on a Human Rights platform, she has dedicated her life to make a difference on sex workers and trans population conditions. From Latin America to Europe, her journey shows the fight for a basic human need: dignity.
- Directed and Written by: André da Costa Pinto and Nathan Cirino
- Producer: Liara Castro
- Executive Producer: Liara Castro and Jaqueline Neves
- Editing: Marcia Medeiros, Edt.
- Soundtrack: André Paixão
- Director of Photography: João Carlos Beltrão
- Sound: Guga Rocha
- Post-Production Supervisor: Guga Nascimento
- Post-Production Coordinator: Fernanda Figueira
- Colorist: Bernardo Brik
- Sound Editors: Vinicius Leal e Daniel Velutini
- Sound Mixer: Jesse Marmo
- Rio International Film Festival 2019 - Félix Award Honorable Mention
- For Rainbow - Fortaleza 2019 - João Nery Representativeness Award
- Indian Cine Film - New Delhi 2019 - Official Jury Honorable Mention