Pedro, a socially repressed young man who's dealing with a criminal charge, and the imminent departure of his sister, who's moving away, comes out of his shell during online performances when he strips and smears neon paints on his body.
Shico Menegat, Bruno Fernandes, Guega Peixoto, Sandra Dani
- Direction and Screenplay: Filipe Matzembacher and Marcio Reolon
- Production: Filipe Matzembacher and Marcio Reolon
- Cinematography: Glauco Firpo
- Soundtrack: Felipe Puperi
- Editor: Germano de Oliveira
- Studio: Avante Movies, Beetle Movies
- Première Brasil Show: Fictional Longs of the 20th edition of the Rio International Film Festival
- Teddy Award: Best Picture