The ILO estimates that modern slavery generates, in the world, an annual income of $ 150 billion to its exploiters, achieving a billing three times bigger than in the period of legal traffic. Since 1995, more than 50,000 workers have been rescued from situations similar to slave labor in Brazil. However, in the last country to abolish slavery, it is estimated that today there are still around 370,000 workers submitted to such practices. "Disposable Lives" focuses on two of them, modern slavery in rural areas and the one that exploits immigrant labor in the textile industry of the country's largest city.
- Original Concept: Daniel Souza
- Direction: Alberto Graça & Alexandre Valenti
- Production: MPC Filmes
- Coproduction: Globo Filmes & GloboNews
- Executive Production: Luciana Boal Marinho & Diego Paiva
- Line Production: Jean Robert Cesar e Diego Paiva
- Photography: Alexandre Valenti
- Direct Sound: Altyr Pereira & Pedro Moreira
- Editing: Marcia Watzl
- Sound Editing and Mixing: Bernardo Uzeda
- Color: Paulo M. de Andrade
- Special Jury Award at the 23rd Cine PE Audiovisual Festival (2019)