Inspired by the Japanese comic "Black, White" by Taiyo Matsumoto, the film "As cotias do Campo de Santana" addresses a day in the life of this park located right in the heart of the city of Rio de Janeiro, with its real, fantastic characters. The protagonists are two children (Black, White) who live in the countryside, two animals that get lost in the middle of the urban fauna, two cotias that fight a battle against everything in favor of daily survival, banal violence, the cruelty of the city, the magic of life.
Arthur Bispo, Dona Beija, Felipe Paulino, Henrique Rodrigues, J. Farias, Robert Pacheco, Sandro Mattos, Seu Luis
- Written and Directed by: Pedro Rossi
- Production companies: Cavídeo, Nós do Morro
- Photography: Paulo Camacho
- Edition: Gabriel Duran, Pedro Rossi
- Assistant Director: Gustavo Melo, Luciano Vidigal
- Executive Production: Cavi Borges